Thursday 11 February 2016

The Benefits with Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement over Traditional Surgery

Minimally invasive Knee Replacement Surgery in India 

Minimally invasive knee replacement surgery is a technique sensitive surgery which is now possible in India at a fraction of cost as compared to that in the western countries. With advancing age, a huge percentage of population gets affected by knee problems like knee pain and discomfort due to arthritis. Our panel of top orthopaedic surgeons operate at best orthopaedic surgery hospitals in India while offering orthopaedic surgery at most affordable cost.
Minimally invasive knee replacement surgery is a modification of the traditional knee replacement surgery. These modifications are meant to reduce the tissue trauma during the surgery. The main purpose of minimally invasive knee replacement is to relieve pain, improve quality of life and maintain or improve knee function with an advantage of reduced post-operative complications and speedy recovery.
This technique also called quadriceps-sparing knee replacement, uses an incision that is typically only 3-4" in length and the recovery time is much quicker, often permitting patients to walk with a cane as early as third day of the surgery.
The benefits with minimally invasive knee replacement over traditional surgery are:

  • Faster recovery of the knee functions
  • Smaller incision thus less discomfort and after surgery
  • Shorter hospital stay owing to overall speedy recovery and rehabilitation
  • Decreased blood loss and post-operative pain
  • Same reliable surgical implants as Traditional Knee Replacement.

Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacement Cost and Procedure Time
 The medical services at MyMedOpinion cost about 70-80 percent lesser than USA, UK and other countries.
Visiting patients will be put up at the top hospitals in India for the procedures. You would be required to be in town for about a week for most of the cases. This is possible because wherever appropriate the surgeries are done by minimally invasive technique. Almost all our doctors are board certified surgeons and trained in the West.

The approximate expense, all-inclusive cost of Orthopedic Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacement will be USD $5700 and this may vary depending on the implant, surgeon, facility and city of the procedure. TransEarth Medical Tourism works towards assuring affordable medical services to its patients.

The quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh is the key to successful healing after all Total Knee Replacement surgery. Minimally Invasive Total Knee Replacement surgery goes around the quadriceps and not through it that results in less postoperative pain and a speedier return of movement and strength. The incision is three to five inches. The quadriceps isn’t cut, but is released from the underlying joint capsule on one side and then slipped out of the way for the surgery. After the knee joint is exposed, diseased bone and cartilage are taken out from the distal femur and the proximal tibia that are then realigned with implants.

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