Friday 10 March 2017

Varicose Veins Treatment in India

                    Varicose Veins Treatment in India

The word "varicose" comes from the Latin root "varix," which means "twisted." Any vein may become varicose, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs and feet. That's because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins in your lower body.

The veins of the legs are divided into two systems - the deep veins (which run deep to the leathery layer of fascia surrounding the muscles) and the superficial veins (which run in the layer of fat just beneath the skin). The superficial veins are the ones that you can see (for example, on your foot or around the ankle) and they are the ones that can become varicose. It is essential to keep in mind these two different systems - deep and superficial - in order to understand varicose veins and their treatment. In a number of places in the leg, the superficial and deep veins are linked by perforating veins (or 'perforators'). They are called perforators because they perforate the leathery fascial layer surrounding the muscles of the legs. 

                          Varicose Vein Symptoms

Comfortable and sedentary life-style, modern fashion, special postures adopted while performing professional duties have contributed to increased incidence of a set of diseases unheard of in the past. Varicose vein disease is one of them and is a direct result of sedentary life-style. The problem has become very common during these days. According to one estimate, 15 to 20 per cent of the population in India is suffering from varicose vein disease these days. Women suffer from this disease four times more than men. 

• Pain (some time on & off).
• Swelling more prominent in end of day.
• Heaviness in leg.
• Fatigue.
• Prominent & dilated veins in leg veins.
• Pigmentation.
• Venous ulcer.

1. It is less risky as compared to surgery.
2. Needs no general anesthesia.
3. No Surgical scar on skin.
4. Done as a Day Care procedure with no overnight hospital stay necessary.
5. No blood loss or risk of blood transfusion.
6. The recovery is very fast as compared to traditional surgery.
7. The recurrence rate is very low as compared to conventional surgery.
8. Normal activities like long distance walking, running, standing can be resumed within 1-2 days.

Subfacial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery (SEPS) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure which the doctors use to treat the underlying condition that causes venous ulcers. During the procedure they disconnect the abnormal perforator veins, which cause ulceration because of improperly functioning valves. By disconnecting these veins, they redirect the blood flow to healthy veins. Circulation in the leg is improved, and the ulcer is healed.

SEPS is usually performed with two ports of entry into the leg. A special instrument is inserted deep to the fascia of the leg and a large balloon is inflated with water to create a working space. The balloon is then emptied and the space is insufflated with air. The camera is inserted and the perforator veins can be seen in the space passing from superficial to deep layers. Another small incision is made in the calf for passage of another instrument. The perforator veins are carefully dissected, clips are applied and the veins are divided if necessary.

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