Wednesday 29 April 2015

Most advanced surgery hospitals for Epilepsy surgery in India

Epilepsy surgery in India is a very good option for abroad patients seeking low cost and safe surgical treatment for the correction of their disorders. Medical tourism in India provides very good assistance to international patients for their comfortable treatment in India. Significant option for curing epileptics. For neurosurgery, patients must find surgeons who are appropriately trained. Another factor to consider is cost and reimbursement. Typical cost for epilepsy surgery can vary, and many insurance companies will only provide partial coverage, or even no coverage, since they still consider the surgery experimental. And finally, patients need to be aware that like any new medical technology, this surgery carries with it a certain level of unknown technical risks. Since epilepsy surgery it is still a relatively new procedure in India with a certain level of risks. The cost of Epilepsy surgery in India is very less compared to that of its cost in other developed countries. Most advanced surgery hospitals for Epilepsy surgery in India are in most prominent cities of India.

  • Indian doctors are known all over the world for their skill and knowledge and have the experience of studying and working at the best neuron surgery hospitals in the world.
  • Most advanced Technology Infrastructure - Blood Bank with 24 hour apharesis facility, advanced laboratory and microbiology (infection control) support, advanced cardiology, DSA and interventional radiology, portable and colour ultra-sonology, Liver Fibro-scan, 64 slice CT scanner, 3 T MRI, PET-CT and nephrology (including 24 hour dialysis and CVVHD).
  • Neurosurgery Hospitals in India are equipped with the latest and high end technology.
  • Cost of epilepsy surgery in India at best brain surgery hospitals in India is very low as compared to the cost at best hospitals in America or UK with the same level of care and services.
Endovascular Neurosurgery at World Best Hospital in India
Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that treats conditions and diseases of the brain and nervous system. Radiology is a medical specialty that helps diagnose and treat conditions and diseases using various radiology techniques. Endovascular neurosurgery is a subspecialty within neurosurgery that uses catheters and radiology to diagnose and treat various conditions and diseases of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. This medical specialty is also called neurointerventional surgery.

Interventional neuroradiology is a subspecialty within radiology that also involves catheters and radiology to diagnose and treat neurological conditions and diseases.
The term endovascular means “inside a blood vessel.” Endovascular neurosurgery uses tools that pass through the blood vessels to diagnose and treat diseases and conditions rather than using open surgery. The surgeon often uses radiology images to help him or her to see the part of the body involved in the procedure.

Doctors in these specialties may also diagnose and treat conditions of the spinal cord using similar techniques, although not through a blood vessel.
These types of procedures are called “minimally invasive” because they generally require only a tiny incision instead of a larger incision necessary for open surgery.
Endovascular neurosurgery treats a variety of  vascular diseases such as:
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysms
  • Arterio-venous malformations
  • IArterial stenosis
  • Dural arterio-venous fistulas
  • Vascular Tumours
  • Carotid Cavernous sinus fistulae
  • Cerebral revascularization after clotting
  • Vasospastic arteries

Endovascular Neurosurgical procedures in India

§  Thrombolytic therapy. This procedure uses “clot-busting” medication to dissolve a clot in a blood vessel in the brain or elsewhere in the body.

§  Endovascular coiling. A surgeon inserts a very thin metal wire that forms a coil inside a brain aneurysm to block blood flow. A brain aneurysm is a bulging, weakened area in the wall of an artery in the brain, resulting in an abnormal widening or ballooning. Because the artery wall has a weakened spot, the aneurysm is at risk for bursting if blood flow isn’t blocked.
§  Minimally invasive spine surgery. This procedure is used to treat spinal disorders such as fractures, tumors, compressed nerves, and other conditions that put pressure on the spinal cord.
  Cerebral angiography. This is a radiology procedure that looks at how well blood is flowing in the brain.
§  Carotid artery angioplasty/stenting. This procedure uses a small balloon and/or a tiny metal scaffold called a stent to open a narrowed carotid artery. The carotid arteries supply blood to the brain.

Why Endovascular NeuroSurgery  at World Best Hospital in India
·    Indian doctors are known all over the world for their skill and knowledge and have the experience of studying and working at the best neuro surgery hospitals in the world.
·     Neurosurgery Hospitals in India are equipped with the latest and high end technology.

  • Advanced Dyna CT capability enhances the ability of Endovascular surgeon to perform most accurately in delicate vascular areas like brain
  • Minimal incision similar to cardiac treatment, such as angioplasty or stent placement
  • Diagnostic (Cerebral or Spinal Angiography) or Therapeutic procedures for Intracranial Aneurysms, Arterial Stenosis, Stroke (Brain attack), Arteriovenous Malformations, Vertebroplasty and Percutaneous Sclerotherapy
  affiliated   Best hospitals in India provide an medical opinion from experienced surgeons and the treatment cost includes companion stay  , surgeon fee, medicines and consumables, nursing care, patient's food and airport pick up & drop etc. etc. We offer free, no obligation assistance to international patients to find world class medical treatment in India. We offer support and services to facilitate the care you require. We can help you find the best hospital in India

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