Friday 13 November 2015

Orthopedic Surgery and Joint Replacements in India - MyMedOpinion affiliated Orthopedic Surgery Hospital in India

Orthopedic Surgeries in India

Orthopedic (sometimes spelled orthopaedic) surgery is surgery performed by a medical specialist, such as an orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon, trained to deal with problems that develop in the bones, joints, and ligaments of the human body.

Orthopedic surgery corrects problems that arise in the skeleton and its attachments, the ligaments and tendons. It may also deal with some problems of the nervous system, such as those that arise from injury of the spine. These problems can occur at birth, through injury, or as the result of aging. They may be acute, as in injury, or chronic, as in many aging-related problems.orthopedic surgeons dealt with bone deformities in children, using braces to straighten the child's bones. With the development of anesthesia and an understanding of the importance of aseptic technique in surgery, orthopedic surgeons extended their role to include surgery involving the bones and related nerves and connective tissue.

Some of the most common surgical procedures

Total joint replacement
Total joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which certain parts of an arthritic or damaged joint, such as a knee joint, are removed and replaced with an artificial joint that moves like a healthy joint.

Total knee replacement
if you have very severe arthritis, for example, total knee replacement surgery may be an option. When knee replacement surgery is performed, the cartilage of the knee joint is replaced with a metal and plastic implant. Sometimes, the artificial joint is anchored in place with bone cement or a material is used that allows the bone tissue to grow into it.

Total hip replacement

the procedure involves removing the ball and socket of a joint with arthritis and inserting a new ball and socket to allow movement at the new joint. There are many types of total hip replacement implant options including the type of material (metal and ceramic), and how the implant is designed to work.

Total shoulder replacement

this procedure involves replacing damaged bone and cartilage with an implant made of metal and plastic. It is much like the hip procedure. This procedure can improve range of motion at the shoulder joint.

Rotator cuff repair

the rotator cuff helps keep your shoulder anchored and helps it to move, too. A tear in the cuff can limit your range of motion and cause pain. Many times these tears can be repaired with surgery to relieve pain and improve strength and functioning of the shoulder.

Arthroscopic surgery
Arthroscopy is a method of viewing or performing surgery on a joint by use of an arthroscope, which consists of a tube, a lens, and a light source using fiber optics to visualize the surgical area. Our orthopedic surgeons perform shoulder, knee and other repairs with arthroscopy. The incision made for inserting the arthroscope is very small, and fewer stitches may be required. The advantage to arthroscopy is a smaller incision heals more quickly and there is less trauma to tissue.

Spine surgery

there are a variety of problems that may lead to spine surgery. The main reason is to improve function and remove back pain. There are a number of procedures that come under the umbrella of spine surgery, and these procedures are done if more conservative treatment, such as medication or physical therapy, don't work. These include such common procedures as laminectomy, diskectomy, fusion, and spinal decompressions. Kyphoplasty is a less-invasive technique for the pain of spinal fractures often caused by osteoporosis.

Ankle surgery
A variety of problems with the ankles and wrists require surgical treatment. Overuse injuries, rheumatoid arthritis, stress fractures and sprains can often be treated with surgery if more conservative treatment fails.

Benefits of Orthopedic Surgeries
In most cases, recovery from most types of orthopedic surgery is relatively rapid. Depending on the specific type of surgery, recovery time varies from two weeks to four months. Physical and Occupational therapy usually follows any type of orthopedic surgical procedure, which will help restore muscle strength, coordination, and mobility. Some physical therapy is also performed through the use of hydrotherapy and massage.  

After orthopedic surgery that addresses a variety of issues, such as partial or total joint replacement, arthroscopy to remove bone or cartilage tissues as well as procedures to relieve pain and loss of movement through osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, patients can expect a reduction of pain, increased mobility and improved quality of life. Success rates with joint replacement and Arthroplasty are higher than 90%, and longevity of prosthetic implants provide long-term relief.

MyMedOpinion  affiliated hospitals in India - The ultimate destination for thousands of people across the world who are seeking high quality Orthopedic Surgery?

  • Top Class Doctors, some of whom have an experience of performing more than 10000 joint replacement surgeries.
  • World Class Hospitals having the latest technology like Computer Navigation, 64 slice CT, High end MRI, Neuro-navigation surgical systems, Neuro-physiology etc.
  • Cost of Surgery just 1/6th of cost in USA, UK or Europe with finest quality implants, prosthesis and consumables imported from Leading International Companies.

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