Thursday 7 July 2016

HIFU Treatment for Prostate Cancer Surgery in India

HIFU Prostate Treatment  

“Soundwaves could help 95% of prostate cancer patients … without affecting sex life,”. Its story comes from a small study that looked at an experimental treatment using high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) to target areas of prostate cancer in men where the disease had not spread.
Standard treatments for prostate cancer often lead to undesirable side effects, in particular erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Researchers found that a year after this experimental treatment, 89% of men still had erectile function and all were still continent. Ninety-five per cent of the men showed no evidence of disease on an MRI scan.
The results of this small study look promising. Men with early (localised) prostate cancer that has not spread can often live for years without developing life-threatening symptoms, and are often faced with a difficult decision about whether or not to have conventional treatment, which can have side effects. A treatment that can target areas of cancer without damaging healthy tissue might enable more men to have treatment for prostate cancer at an early stage.

What is HIFU Procedure for Prostate Cancer Treatment?

It is performed under general anesthesia. Atransrectal probe is used, lubricated& passed into the rectum. Surgeons will focus a beam of ultrasound emitted by the probe on the cancerous tissue. This heats up the tissue & destroys it. The heat is controlled by the software to ensure that only cancerous area of prostrate is targeted.HIFU procedure might take 3-4 hours depending upon the size of prostate cancer & areas affected by it.

Recovery after HIFU Procedure for Prostate Cancer Treatment

This is an outpatient procedure.Hence patients can leave hospital on the very same day. The recovery time is about 2 to 3 hours which again depends upon the size of prostate cancer. Doctors insert a catheter for 2-4 weeks during the procedure. Patient may experience slight difference in urinary functions such as more frequent urine or urgency. Blood or mucus like material may pass in the urine which is quite normal symptom during this period. Patients can return back to normal routine within a couple of days.

Although HIFU treatment is apparently less risky and non- invasive, there are certain cases and parameters when HIFU can be applied for treating prostate cancer.When can HIFU treatment for prostate be used?

  • Useful for treating solitary tumors or a part of large tumors. This infers that the same cannot be used for treating cancer that has spread outside the prostate.
  • Can be used for newly diagnosed tumors.
  • Can be used for recurring prostate cancer.

Benefits of HIFU treatment

The benefits of HIFU treatment for prostate includes-
  • Diabetic patients can be treated too.
  • Even Cardiac patients can avail this surgery.
  • Can be used along with hormone therapy.
  • Includes zero or minimal injury to rectum
  • Zero radiation exposure
  • Very less bed- rest time and operating tim

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