Friday 22 May 2015

A new hope for patients who have inoperable or surgically complex tumors, or who may be looking for a non-surgical option

World’s Most Advanced Technology to treat tumors with pin-point accuracy and precisely deliver treatment to the tumor alone, sparing surrounding healthy tissue.

A new hope for patients who have inoperable or surgically complex tumors, or who may be looking for a non-surgical option.Cyberknife radiosurgery is a non –invasive, high-energy radiation treatment that delivers very precise beams of radiation from many angles outside the body. The accuracy of Cyberknife is so precise that radiation can be 'matched' to the shape of small complex tumors, even those located near critical organs. This ability allows Cyberknife to treat many lesions including some considered inoperable or untreatable with surgery.

How Cyberknife Radiosurgery works ?

CyberKnife System uses image guidance software to track and continually adjust treatment for any patient or tumor movement. This sets it far ahead of other similar treatments. It allows patients to breathe normally and relax comfortably during treatment. The Cyberknife integrates two highly advanced technologies:

  • An image-guidance system tracks and verifies tumor locations and enables automatic compensation for patient movement during treatment delivery. This system eliminates the need for an invasive head frame.
  • A multi–jointed robotic arm with six degrees of freedom provides exceptional maneuverability in targeting tumors. A high-energy X-ray source mounted on a robotic arm precisely locates the position of tumor in the body and delivers pinpoint radiation from more than 1200 angles with sub-millimeter accuracy.
  • The Cyberknife accuracy represents a major advance in radiosurgery. Digital radiographic images of anatomical features or implanted fiducials are used to precisely target the radiation. The focused radiation beams converge at the tumor to maximize the amount of radiation that reaches the tumor and minimize exposure surrounding health tissue.

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