Wednesday 9 September 2015

Great Development in the Treatment and Diagnosis of Cancer - Advanced Breast Cancer Treatment in India

The patients of breast cancer may have something very soon that would lessen the pain of those biopsies done to diagnose the cancer. The British scientists have claimed to develop a reliable blood test that warns breast cancer patients about a possible relapse.

This “liquid biopsy”, is one of the latest developments in medicine, which detects presence of any tumour cells circulating in the blood flow before they cumulate at a spot to grow into a fresh tumour. The idea brings hope to millions, who need to undergo painful biopsy procedures. If the test passes all clearances and research, it’d be a great accomplishment for the fight against breast cancer.

The team of Scientists from London’s Institute of Cancer Research took two years and a number of painstaking processes to complete this research. They collected the tumour samples from 55 patients of breast cancer and extract their DNA. They conducted tests and studies of each mutation separately. Undoubtedly, a painstaking process, the study was designed to gather as much information and results as possible. Then again they would repeat the blood test at an interval of 6 months. This was done repeatedly over a course of two years.
The final findings of the research were the signs of success for the team. In the duration of two years, 15 patients had the breast cancer come back. The scientists, with impressive success rate, were able to detect 12 cases of the breast cancer relapse. The team had great success with the timing as well. This new biopsy was able to detect the cancer relapse 8 months before others tests could do! It was impressive for the team and the new developed methodology.
The drawback, however, was noticed in the detection of cancer cells in the brain. The system developed by these scientists was unable to detect any changes in the blood circulating in the brain. The scientific reason may be the blood-brain barrier, as they described it.
However, this test is currently not available for patients. It is still in the development phase and if someone goes for it, it’d cost a lot! The research team has declared it a great development in the treatment and diagnosis of cancer. This report was published in the Science Translational Medicine.
MyMedOpinion offers comprehensive care for patients with Breast Cancer, including advanced diagnosis, best treatment options . A team of Surgical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Medical Oncologists and other medical specialties work together to treat each Breast Cancer patient We consider each patient's type and extent of Breast Cancer to recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. They also carefully consider and select the treatment option that will allow the patient to maintain quality of life with good survival rate.
Indian hospitals offer the best cancer treatment at affordable prices. MyMedOpinion associated hospitals have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the most advanced cancer treatment at low cost.
MyMedOpinion Affiliated Cancer Hospitals deliver highest quality and advanced oncology care in a supportive and compassionate environment to all our patients.

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