Thursday 25 February 2016

Advantages Endoscopic Micro Discectomy - Spine Surgery Hospital in India

The Microendoscopic Discectomy (MED) is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to remove a herniated nucleus pulposus (disc). Most people will have back pain sometime during life. And 90% of these people will get better, without treatment or with conservative therapy. Only 5% remain disabled longer than three months and for those, surgery may offer relief.
A disc ruptures when there is a tear in the outer lining (annulus) of the disc . When a tear in the annulus occurs, a fragment of disc material may protrude and pinch surrounding nerves. When a nerve is compressed it can cause symptoms such as extremity pain, numbness, weakness, electrical sensations, and bowel and bladder incontinence. If symptoms are not relieved with conservative treatments, a patient may be a candidate for surgical removal of the herniated disc fragment.
Microendoscopic Discectomy differs from the open microdiscectomy. The incision using the microendoscopic technique is smaller (approximately 1cm), causing less trauma to the surrounding tissue. A smaller incision allows for decreased post-operative pain and a faster recovery. A patient is considered a potential candidate for a microendoscopic discectomy if he or she has a large herniated disc fragment extruded to the side of the spinal canal.
Microendoscopic Discectomy is performed by making a small incision in the patient's back and inserting a small endoscopic probe between the vertebrae and into the herniated disc space. A small camera is placed through the probe enabling the surgeon to view the operation on a TV screen in the operating room. Small surgical devices are placed through the probe to remove bone and herniated disc fragments.
The procedure usually takes about one hour; the patient is often able to return home on the same day. It is normal for a patient to experience postoperative pain, such as back pain, spasms, and lower extremity symptoms. These symptoms will usually improve as the nerve heals and inflammation of the nerve decreases. Patients are given pain medications during the healing process.
Who can benefit from Endoscopic Micro Discectomy (MED)?
This procedure is indicated for all those patients who are suffering from severe acute or chronic backache and/or radiating pain in the leg as a result of lumbar disc prolapse/slipped disc/herniated disc.
Quick Recovery – Great Advantage of Endoscopic Micro Discectomy (MED)
Since there is minimal damage to surrounding muscle tissue, the magnitude of post operative surgical pain is much less as compared to conventional open discectomy. The patients can get up and walk around on the post operative day itself making the hospital stay very short.
World Class Technical Expertise for Endoscopic Micro Discectomy
MyMedOpinion affiliated world Best hospitals in India are a benchmark in comprehensive spine care for such complex and sensitive surgeries. The procedure is performed by a highly qualified neurosurgeons who have trained for decades at world’s best spine hospitals and have an excellent track record of successful outcomes.
What are the advantages Endoscopic Micro Discectomy?

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