Thursday 25 February 2016

Best Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate in India

Laser Surgery for Enlarged Prostate

Green Light Laser PVP :Green Light Laser PVP (Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate) is minimally invasive technique in the treatment of the enlarged prostate. It uses high-powered laser light combined with fiber optics to vaporize the overgrowth of prostate cells.

In this procedure the surgeon directs the laser at the prostate; the intense pulses of light emitted from the fiber are absorbed by the blood. Within moments, the temperature of the blood becomes so fine it causes the nearby cells to vaporize.

There is growing interest in this procedure by patients and as well as by the surgeons because of its simplicity and effectiveness. A temporary catheter is often inserted to allow urine to drain from the bladder. The procedure takes near about one hour.
The benefits of Laser Technique are really unmatched: 
  • No Cut so Less Pain
  • No Bleeding.
  • There is no need of blood transfusion.
  • Early return to normal activity and work.
  • Patient is able to urinate better with a good stream.
  • Complications occur less frequently and are mild if they do.

Surgical Treatment for Enlarged Prostate

1. Radical Prostatectomy :

In radical prostatectomy the surgeon removes all of the prostate gland and some of the tissue around it. It is done to treat prostate cancer. The techniques of radical prostatectomy surgery includes:
  • Retropubic Technique: When the incision is made in the lower belly, it is called the Retropubic approach.
  • Perineal Technique: When the incision is made in the perineum (between the anus and the scrotum) it is called the Perineal approach.

2. Laparoscopic Prostatectomy :

The prostate can be removed using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery. The surgeon uses a thin tube with a video camera (laparoscope) inside the cuts which allows the surgeon to see inside the belly during the procedure. The video camera gives a magnified view of the prostate gland on a video screen. The surgeon cuts away the prostate gland from the surrounding tissues. The major difference with this surgery is that the surgeon makes several small cuts instead of one big cut.

3. Robotic Prostatectomy :

The world’s most advanced robotic prostatectomy surgery available is the da Vinci Surgical System. Robotic prostatectomy is becoming more popular as it is less painful and minimally invasive prostate cancer treatment. The da Vinci robotic prostatectomy enables surgeons to overcome many limitations of both open prostatectomy and laparoscopic prostatectomy.
The da Vinci surgical console consists of high-resolution cameras and micro-surgical instruments that enable the surgeon to perform robotic prostatectomy by controlling the device powered by robotic technology. During robotic prostate surgery the da Vinci robot provides the surgeon with improved visualization and precision compared with open or laparoscopic surgery. This allows the surgeons to perform fine computer-controlled movements and a more precise and minimally invasive robotic prostatectomy. It achieves the same or better prostate cancer treatment results than a surgeon’s own hands in open or laparoscopic surgery.

Advantages of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery for Prostate Cancer:

  1. Less Scaring: its minimally invasive. Instead of having a 5 or 6” incision to the skin and abdominal fascia, patients have a series of small “band-aid” incisions.
  2. A Shorter Hospital Stay: With smaller incisions, the postoperative pain is significantly less, which means your length of hospitalization is shorter.
  3. Less Drugs, Minimal Blood Loss:
    Patients’ need for postoperative pain medicine and narcotics is also greatly reduced after the laparoscopic/robotic approach compared to open surgery. During Robotic or laparoscopic prostatectomy, blood loss is very minimal and has a negligible risk of needing a transfusion.
  4. Reduced risk of Erectile Function: Robotic prostatectomy’s ability to preserve the erectile nerves. During an open prostatectomy through an incision on the anterior abdominal wall, the nerves that provide erection are hidden behind the prostate. The approach taken using the surgical robot, enters the abdomen and the robotic arms are positioned posterior to the prostate with the nerves directly in front of the robotic/laparoscopic camera. In this way, the nerves maybe preserved, primarily because the anatomy can be seen more clearly compared to open 

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