Sunday 18 October 2015

Advantages of Spinal Fusion Surgery - Spinal Fusion Surgery in India

A person’s spine is subjected to a lot of forces throughout its lifetime. It may be subjected to age related wear and tear or infections like tuberculosis. As a result it undergoes degeneration which gives rise to a variety of problems like spinal osteoarthritis, disc prolapse, spondylolisthesis, osteoporotic fractures, vertebral collapse etc.

All these conditions manifest as severe pain in the back and radiating pain, numbness, tingling in the upper or lower extremities (lower leg or arm) due to compression of spinal nerves, spinal cord and spinal instability. When these symptoms become debilitating enough to preclude the patient’s day to day activity, a Spinal Fusion Surgery is advised.

What is Spinal Fusion Surgery?

Spinal fusion (spondylodesis or spondylosyndesis) is the surgical method of joining two or more verebrae. It is done most commonly in the lumbar region of the spine, but it is also used to treat cervical and thoracic problems. In this procedure, the damaged and painful vertebrae are fused into a solid stable bone. Fusion of the spine is used primarily to eliminate the pain caused by abnormal motion of the vertebrae by immobilizing the faulty vertebrae themselves, which is usually caused by degenerative conditions. However, spinal fusion is also the preferred way to treat most spinal deformities, specifically scoliosis and kyphosis. But, the results may vary according to the individual. Some may not feel any improvement in their back pain even after the surgery.
The other method is the Minimally Invasive PLIF procedure which is performed using x-ray guidance. 2.5-cm incisions are made on either side of the lower back The muscles are gradually dilated and tubular retractors inserted to allow access to the affected area of the lumbar spine. The lamina is removed to allow visualization of the nerve roots. The offending disc material is removed from the spine and replaced with a bone graft and structural support from a cage made of bone, titanium, carbon-fiber, or a polymer, followed by placement of rod and screws. The tubular retractors are removed, allowing the dilated muscles to come back together, and the incisions are closed.

This procedure typically takes about 3 to 3 ½ hours to perform. There was less blood loss,tissue trauma, operative time, and quick recovery in this procedure as compared to the traditional one.Generally the patients can go home within 3-5 days after traditional PLIF and within 1-2 days after a minimally invasive PLIF

What are the Advantages of Spinal Fusion Surgery? 
In most cases, spinal fusion can eliminate the pain and other symptoms. It is important for a surgeon to explain the options, and benefits of spinal fusion surgery. There are many advantages of Spinal fusion surgery such as:

• By fusing the level, there is less concern that the patient will need surgery again at that level. If the discs and/or facets are pain generators, as is often the case, a fusion will ensure that motion at the level is stopped, potentially eliminating the low back pain.

• A second advantage of spinal fusion surgery is that it reduces post-decompressive deformity. Some patients develop post-laminectomy kyphosis, which is an abnormal alignment of the spine. This too can often lead to additional surgery. Similarly, a fusion can correct any deformity the patient had before surgery and ensure that the normal alignment of the spine is restored. This may reduce wear and tear (and need for future surgery) on the neighboring levels.

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